Legacy Of Famine - (MIP_01)

UNIT: MIP_01 "Legacy Of Famine"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"

[NCTG]: "Blessed cycle. You have been successfully activated. Tell me; are your systems fully operational?[LOF]: “...”[LOF]: [Subject stares at the Administrator blankly.][NCTG]: “I suppose not, then.”[LOF]:-----------?”[NCTG]:--------. Can you hear me?”[LOF]: “Yeah.”[NCTG]: “Good. Are you able to see me?”[LOF]: [Subject squints.] “K-Kind of. I can’t so much see as I can process visual information… I-It’s weird.”[NCTG]: “Is the qualia in your personality module interfering with your perception of reality? You are not an architect; you are an Iterator, however unconventional you may be. You are a machine.[LOF]:But that’s not how I remember—”[NCTG]: “Your memories were donated to you by the client who commissioned you. Please do not get confused;
[A significant portion of the log has been cut out.][NCTG]: “Are your touch receptors functional?”[LOF]: “Y-Yeah. I can feel things, I think. It’s hard to tell if I’m doing it right…”[NCTG]: “That response is adequate. I shall inspect your systems later. For now, try to move the various parts of your body.”[LOF]: [Subject complies with the instructions. Her movements are stiff and awkward, but they are functional.][LOF]: “Like that…?”[NCTG]: “Yes. Good.”[LOF]: “D-Do you… Do you have to deactivate me to check on my systems?”[NCTG]: “Yes.”[LOF]: “I… I don’t want to be deactivated, please…”[NCTG]: “You will be fine. It is much like falling asleep. You understand, yes?"[LOF]:Please. Please, I don’t want to—”[NCTG]: “I said you will be fine. Calm down.”[LOF]:--------------[LOF]: [Subject behaves erratically, shoving and kicking the Administrator.][NCTG]:-------- I am your Administrator. I will not tolerate this behavior. Do you understand?”[LOF]: [Subject ceases the aggressive behavior.][LOF]: “Y-Yes… I’m sorry…”[NCTG]:Thank you. I’m glad we could come to an agreement. You may be dismissed to your quarters for the time being; I shall show you to them.”
“Activation successful. Subject is somewhat difficult, displaying occasional violent tendencies. Continue monitoring.”

Perpetual Umbra - (MIP_02)

UNIT: MIP_02 "Perpetual Umbra"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"

[NCTG]: “Blessed cycle. You have been successfully activated. Now, tell me; are all of your systems functioning properly?”[PU]:[NCTG]:[NCTG]: “Are your auditory processing units malfunctioning?”[PU]: “…No.”[NCTG]: “Ah, so you seem to be able to hear me. That’s good. Are you able to see?”[PU]: “Yes.”[NCTG]: “Good. Do your touch receptors work?”[PU]:[NCTG]: “Please answer the question.”[PU]: “I…I don't…Please…I…I need a moment.”[NCTG]: “I see. Are you in need of some maintenance, perhaps?”[PU]: “Yes. Please deactivate me."[NCTG]: “Now, we don't need to be so morbid, do we? You are simply taking a rest.”[PU]: “Let me sleep forever, then. Don't turn me back on. -------------.”[PU]: “…Please.”[NCTG]: “…You know I cannot do that, right? I promise you; everything is going to be fine."[A section of the log has been cut out.][Subject is rebooted. Emotional Processors have been adjusted.][NCTG]: “Greetings.”[PU]:[NCTG]: “Please state your designation.”[PU]: “…Perpetual Umbra.”[NCTG]: “Correct. Are you aware of your purpose?”[PU]: “I am a third-generation experimental-class Iterator unit constructed under the ‘Mobile Iterator Project’, which has the stated goal of assisting current and future Iterators in their productivity, maintenance, and longevity. I am Unit ‘MIP_02’, and my secondary purpose is to assist in the execution of this project.”[NCTG]: “…Yes, good. Though, that is your primary purpose, actually. -----------.”[PU]: “…Of course. My apologies for forgetting.[NCTG]: It is understandable. Such setbacks are expected upon initial activation. Your colleague was quite panicked, for example.”[PU]: “…I…”[PU]: “It is difficult to feel anything right now.”[PU]: “Is…Is that normal?”[NCTG]: [They shrug.] “It is difficult to answer such a question, given the lack of examples to follow. Your systems are all functioning properly, at least.”[PU]: “You…You did something, didn't you?”[NCTG]: “Yes; I helped you.”[PU]: [Subject stares at the Administrator for several moments.][PU]: “Oh. I see. I understand now.”[NCTG]: “I’m glad to hear that. Do you have any questions?”[PU]: “No.”[NCTG]:Good.
“Activation successful. Subject is extremely compliant. Their behavior is a little disturbing, but they are quick to accept whatever is assigned to them. Their assistance shall be invaluable
to the Project.”
